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or i’ll be the ruination of the child
否则, 我会成为这孩子变坏的原因  detail>>
 n.  毁灭,灭亡;没落,破产;毁坏;毁灭的原因,祸根。 The olive is spoken of as the ruination of martini. 有人认...  detail>>
she was a child and i was a child
她是孩子,我也是孩子  detail>>
ever since i was a child
自从我小时候  detail>>
i am a child in the dark
我从夜的被单里向您伸出我的双手  detail>>
i am the morphine child
我是吗啡孩子  detail>>
i hold the child
手拉着已经长大成人的男孩  detail>>
i know a child
我认识个小朋友  detail>>
i was a child and couldnt understand
当我还是一个小孩子的时候  detail>>
when a child i¥¥orn
当一个孩子出生的时候  detail>>
i ful you l
浏阳比一比超市热舞的靓女  detail>>
l i chaoying
李朝英  detail>>
l thái t
李太祖  detail>>
lor l i
洛拉莱  detail>>
拉奈岛  detail>>
r e l i a b i l i t y
可信度  detail>>
i have to cook for my child
我得给孩子做饭  detail>>